GhostCMS Expert

I wrote a post recently about becoming the the unofficial "standard" of a certain product your service business uses. You can find it here:

But in the spirit of that, while I was poking around, I realized just how few Ghost-approved experts are actually listed, even though the initial bar does not "super" high. After I've been messing around with the Ghost theme, I think Ghost's theming language and handlebars could easily be picked up by a freelancer or agency. Given how few listings there are on this site (and the current quality of listings these link too, sorry other agencies), I think there is an straightforward opportunity to becoming the de facto Ghost guys.

While many others tend to sell themes, I think this level of implementation would also be incredibly sticky for an agency to pick up.
More so, there are so many things they could have unique knowledge it. They could perfect their theme deployment. They could specialize in migrations from Wordpress or Webflow. They could do custom theme development. They could also even help with Ghost hosting if the client wants to self host.
This, just this:

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